Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain.
Rainy season is upon us in Cheeeeena as it seems. It looks as if 4 out of 7 days per week have not just rain but thunderstorms. Loud, crackling, bright thunderstorms.
But rather than a storm that arrives, does the damage, and carries on.. it's more of a whole day and night event. The thunder comes and proceeds to storm followed by a short break and then in the blink of an eye it begins again- full on thunder and lightning.

Everyone here wears plastic flip flops so that the expected soaker really doesn't affect them at all. I made the mistake of going out in my sneakers only to arrive home with slushy feet. Ya Niek!

I will experiment with lightning photography since the opportunity is now. Better get myself a tripod and gather my patience.... first efforts below (through the window)


1 comment:

Melanie said...

oooh you're allowed to blog again? tara i miss you! i'm sorry for not replying to your message. lots has happened and i want to catch up.